
GB3RT Repeater

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About this Website

Welcome to G6IET - GB3RT Website

Visit The Institution of Engineering and Technology

The origins of amateur radio can be traced to the late 19th century, but amateur radio as practised today began in the early 20th century.
Ham radio can be anything you want it to be. You can communicate over the airwaves much like amateurs did decades ago.
You also can take advantage of the latest digital modes and be on the cutting edge of technology all from your vehicle the comfort of your own home or out walking.
The Repeater GB3RT is located in a rural area of north Yorkshire 6 miles from Richmond Town.
The repeater is connected to HubNet therefore you always have someone to talk with.

Amateur Radio HubNet

Radio Hams in the UK and around the world owe a large thank you to Steve M0HOY who founded HubNet in May 2016
and Peter G7RGP for assisting all users of HubNet with his superb RGP Node and his FREE technical advice.

DIY Building a HubNet Node

The below links I hope help with questions
I been asked the past few days.

Programming a TD-H8 TiDRadio

Programming a TD-H3 TiDRadio

Anytone Digital hold times settings